Source code for isoenum.cli

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-


Isotopic enumerator (isoenum) command-line interface

    isoenum -h | --help

    isoenum --version

    isoenum name (<path-to-ctfile-file-or-inchi-file-or-inchi-string>) 
                 [--complete | --partial] 

    isoenum ionize (<path-to-ctfile-file-or-inchi-file-or-inchi-string>)

    isoenum nmr (<path-to-ctfile-file-or-inchi-file-or-inchi-string>)

    isoenum vis (<path-to-ctfile-file-or-inchi-file-or-inchi-string>) 

    -h, --help                                 Show this screen.
    --verbose                                  Print more information.
    -v, --version                              Show version.
    -a, --all=<isotope:element>                Specify element and isotope, e.g. -a 13:C or --all=13:C
    -s, --specific=<isotope:element:position>  Specify element, isotope and specific position,
                                               e.g. -s 13:C:1 or --specific=13:C:1.
    -e, --enumerate=<isotope:element:min:max>  Enumerate all isotopically-resolved CTfile or InChI,
                                               e.g. -e 13:C:2:4 or --enumerate=13:C:2:4
    -c, --complete                             Use complete labeling schema, i.e. every atom must specify
                                               "ISO" property, partial labeling schema will be used otherwise
                                               for specified labeling information only.
    -p, --partial                              Use partial labeling schema, i.e. generate labeling schema
                                               from the provided labeling information.
    -i, --ignore-iso                           Ignore existing "ISO" specification in the CTfile or InChI.
    -f, --format=<format>                      Format of output: inchi, mol, sdf, csv, json [default: inchi].
    -o, --output=<path>                        Path to output file.
    -t, --type=<experiment-type>               Type of NMR experiment [default: 1D1H].
    -j, --jcoupling=<type>                     Allowed J couplings.
    -d, --decoupled=<element>                  Turn off J coupling for a given element.
    -z, --state=<element:position:charge>      Create ionized form of InChI from neutral molecule, 
                                               e.g. N:6:+1, O:8:-1.
    --subset                                   Create atom subsets for each resonance.

from __future__ import print_function, division, unicode_literals

import csv
import io
import os
import sys

from . import api
from .conf import output_formats_conf

[docs]def cli(cmdargs): """Process command-line arguments. :param dict cmdargs: Command-line arguments. :return: None. :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ path_or_id = cmdargs["<path-to-ctfile-file-or-inchi-file-or-inchi-string>"] if cmdargs["name"]: sdfile = api.iso( path_or_id=path_or_id, specific_opt=cmdargs["--specific"], all_opt=cmdargs["--all"], enumerate_opt=cmdargs["--enumerate"], complete_opt=cmdargs["--complete"], ignore_iso_opt=cmdargs["--ignore-iso"], ) create_output( sdfile=sdfile, path=cmdargs["--output"], file_format=cmdargs["--format"] ) elif cmdargs["ionize"]: atom_states = cmdargs["--state"] sdfile = api.chg(path_or_id=path_or_id, atom_states=atom_states) create_output( sdfile=sdfile, path=cmdargs["--output"], file_format=cmdargs["--format"] ) elif cmdargs["nmr"]: experiment_type = cmdargs["--type"] decoupled = [element.upper() for element in cmdargs["--decoupled"]] couplings = [coupling.upper() for coupling in cmdargs["--jcoupling"]] subset = cmdargs["--subset"] sdfile = api.iso_nmr( path_or_id=path_or_id, experiment_type=experiment_type, couplings=couplings, decoupled=decoupled, subset=subset, ) create_output( sdfile=sdfile, path=cmdargs["--output"], file_format=cmdargs["--format"] ) elif cmdargs["vis"]: api.visualize( path_or_id=path_or_id, output_path=cmdargs["--output"], output_format=cmdargs["--format"], )
def _unpack(param): """Unpack command-line option. :param list param: List of isotopes. :return: List of unpacked isotopes. :rtype: :py:class:`list` """ options = [] for option_str in param: options.extend(option_str.split(",")) return options
[docs]def save_output(outputstr, path, file_format): """Save output results into file or print to stdout. :param str outputstr: Output string. :param str path: Where to save results. :param str file_format: File format to create file extension. :return: None. :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ if path is not None: dirpath, basename = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(path)) filename, extension = os.path.splitext(basename) if not extension or extension.lower() not in output_formats_conf: extension = ".{}".format(file_format) filename = "{}{}".format(filename, extension) filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) if dirpath and not os.path.exists(dirpath): raise IOError('Directory does not exist: "{}"'.format(dirpath)) with open(filepath, "w") as outfile: print(outputstr, file=outfile) else: print(outputstr, file=sys.stdout)
[docs]def create_output(sdfile, path=None, file_format="inchi"): """Create output containing conversion results. :param sdfile: ``SDfile`` instance. :type sdfile: :class:`~ctfile.ctfile.SDfile`. :param str path: Path to where file will be saved. :param str file_format: File format: 'inchi', 'mol', 'sdf', 'json', or 'csv'. :return: None. :rtype: :py:obj:`None` """ file_format = file_format.lower() if file_format not in output_formats_conf: raise ValueError( 'Unknown output format: "{}".\n' "Available formats are: {}".format(file_format, output_formats_conf) ) if file_format in {"sdf", "mol"}: save_output( outputstr=sdfile.writestr(file_format="ctfile"), path=path, file_format=file_format, ) elif file_format in {"json"}: save_output( outputstr=sdfile.writestr(file_format="json"), path=path, file_format=file_format, ) elif file_format in {"inchi"}: output = [] for entry_id in sdfile: output.extend( [inchi.strip() for inchi in sdfile[entry_id]["data"]["InChI"]] ) save_output(outputstr="\n".join(output), path=path, file_format=file_format) elif file_format in {"csv"}: outputstr = io.StringIO() csvwriter = csv.writer(outputstr, delimiter="\t") for entry_id in sdfile: csv_data = [] for data_id in sdfile[entry_id]["data"]: value = " + ".join( [item.strip() for item in sdfile[entry_id]["data"][data_id]] ) csv_data.append(value) csvwriter.writerow(csv_data) save_output(outputstr=outputstr.getvalue(), path=path, file_format=file_format)